Welcome To My Homepage

Cardella Family Welcome To My Homepage Photo

Create your Site.

   Welcome family and friends.  As you know our family is very large so this site may take come time to complete. Send me your jpegs, stories or whatever else you think should be here!  Enjoy....I hope it is as much fun for you to read as it is for me to create.


Site started February 2010 a continuing project!

If you are family, I encourage you to upload to my file sharing page of this site.   

The Cardella Family Crest

Welcome to my website.  After several people have asked me about the family background I decided to create this site.  If you have an idea, photo, story that you want included just email or call me and I will make it happen!

Reggio di Calabria is in southern Italy. It was a Greek colony founded on the Strait of Messina at the end of the 8th century, BC. It is called the "city of Bronzes", for the Riace bronzes, testimonials of its Greek origin. It was founded in 720BC by the Ancient Greeks as Rhegion (meaning "it breaks away"). Later it became a roman ally and part of the Roman Republic. It became the Capital from 553-1071 and Reggio emerged as the capital of the Duchy of Calabria until it incorporated with the Kingdom of Sicily. It is still fairly rural despite its sizeable population. Industry revolves around agriculture and exports fruits and tobacco The postal code i 89100 and dialing area code is 0965 The patron Saint is St. George